Safety is always a concern within a warehouse. Guarding systems are effective tools to improve the overall safety for your warehouse personnel and equipment.

The Eastern Lift Truck Co. Warehouse Products Group offers guardrails, rack guards, column protectors, machine guarding, bollards and more to improve safety of personnel and to protect your product and equipment.

Guardrails, Handrails, Barriers, and Gates

Whether you want to clearly designate areas for your machinery or robotics to safely operate, or you want to protect your product, guardrails can be an appropriate solution for you.

Rack Guards and Column Protectors

Wear and tear on your racking systems over time is normal in any busy warehouse. You can limit damage to your racking systems by installing end of aisle rack guards and column protectors. These preventive measures help maintain the structural integrity of your racking system and increase its lifespan.

Machine Guarding

Designate a safe space for your equipment to not only run without external interference, but also notify personnel of the areas they should stay away from as a machine is operating.

Pallet Rack Back Guarding & Netting

Improve safety within the warehouse with proper pallet rack back and netting solutions to help keep your pallets and product safely on their designated shelves.


There are many uses for bollards not only in the warehouse, but also in heavily traveled areas such as parking garages, campus walkways and building entrances. Bollards allow for free pedestrian movement while helping to designate safe walking areas. They also help protect equipment from accidental impact from machinery passing through the area.

Contact a member of the Warehouse Products Group team to discuss guarding options for you.

Maple Shade, NJ (HQ)
549 East Linwood Avenue
Maple Shade, NJ 08052
Phone: (856) 779-8880
    • United States+1

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